Roe Green Village Residents Association – 1st February 2016
The announcement by Kingsbury High School (KHS) in the Harrow Times of 18 January 2016, “High School announces plans for a new multi-sports facility with pitches and nets”, has come as a shock to the local community.
The financing of such a site will not be an altruistic gesture on the behalf of Lucozade Powerleague but very much a commercial venture with huge repercussions in the shape of noise and light pollution 365 days of the year until 11 o’clock at night, for the local community.
It is a very poor move on the part of KHS not to involve the local community when considering the stated improvements to the working of a school sports timetable.
Not that long ago, the local community made special efforts to meet with their Headteacher, Jeremy Waxman, and offered to work with the School to improve their facilities. To date this offer has not been taken up, leaving the response to go with Lucozade Powerleague, without any notice, a real blow.
Schools are intended for local communities and this one in particular is very diverse.
The demographic make-up of the immediate and even wider community is not one that would immediately benefit from this, with elderly people’s homes, alms houses, Listed buildings as in Trobridge Thatched cottages and not to mention, the wildlife in the area includes bats and owls.
A commercial venture whose proposed scale is not necessary or suitable for this location, will have adverse consequences on the adjoining communities.
The prospect of wholesale corporate entertainment would certainly not be missed by Lucozade Powerleague and eventually licensing the “Club House” is not to be overlooked.
The siting of this venture is also suspect; quote from KHS “The site is currently a school playing field which gets frequently waterlogged and remains unusable for much of the academic year.” The needs of the school is actually a long-awaited upgrade to their gymnasium and proper management and upgrading of the playing fields’ drainage system.
It would seem that the management of the school has gone for the easy option ignoring and refusing help to raise funds from the local community.
We are suspect as to the intentions of a gesture to other establishments to be allowed use of these facilities “free of charge” which is not mentioned. In addition the “Community User Agreement” is yet to be seen and we would like to contact other Lucozade Powerleague neighbours to see if they have kept their promises and how the installations have worked out for them.
Long after the school has gone home, the real face of Lucozade Powerleague will emerge.
For further information on Roe Green Village and its Residents' Association please contact
Debbie Nyman on 020 8206 2436 or email – [email protected]
Website www.roegreenvillage.org.uk.