Who We Are
We are a small group of Volunteers living in the Village who like to preserve the unique nature of where we live.
Roe Green Village is a Conservation Area, as defined by Article 4 Regulation in the Town and Country Planning Act with Local Planning Authority (LPA) controls to preserve its architectural character.
The Local Authority Planners at Brent Council do enforce these regulations strictly, so we would advise all residents to obtain a copy of the Roe Green Village Conservation Area Design Guide.
It provides further guidance regarding carrying out works in the conservation area and can be viewed on Brent Council’s website: www.brent.gov.uk
Aside those more serious matter we organise social events for the benefit of families and friends living in Roe Green Village.
We aim to maintain a community feel, sharing relevant information about the village as well as local issues via email, newsletter or website.
Once a year we hold an annual general meeting to present and discuss the previous events, relevant issues to the Village and accounts. This is also the place to come and volunteer to join our small group or offer your help for any of our social events.