No Lucozade Powerleague at Kingsbury High School


On 3rd July 2018 the Appeal Hearing due on the 3rd August was cancelled.  Powerleague took out a press release blaming “…. a group of residents that are unwilling to accept these proposals and we have therefore decided that we do not wish to operate the facility within that context.”   For such a large congolmerate to blame a small resident association is rather pathetic.   In our defence we would say that we have saved the school from getting involved with a company that RGVRA found to be lacking in a professional and honest approach.  We would go as far as asking the question as to whether Astroturf is the new Asbestos, due to research being carried out long before our campaign.   This could well have landed the Head and Governors in a situation, in the future, they would have regretted.  In the meantime, the School is spending money on a pathway instead of putting it into the gym facilities they were relying on Powerleague to upgrade.

This was the icing on the cake as we celebrate our centenary

Money (Powerleague) can’t buy everything

but a strong community IS everything!


On the 21st June 2017 we received the news that Brent Council had refused Powerleague’s application.   Oh joy!    But true to form, waiting until the 11th hour – exactly 6 months to the date of the refusal, Powerleague put in their appeal on the 21st December 2017.  We were not surprised as this appears to be a well-worn tactic of Powerleague.

We were just beginning to build bridges with the new Head of Kingsbury High School, when we heard this news.  The objections are the same and numerous, even though the refusal was based on one item.    We have put our battledress on, once again, and at this stage, would only say, WATCH THIS SPACE!

Relief in Roe Green Village as council rejects Powerleague application

PUBLISHED: 14:26 28 June 2017 | UPDATED: 14:26 28 June 2017 Nathalie Raffray

Roe Green Village residents have been fighting plans for a floodlit football pitch in its conservation area for 18 months Pic credit: Tony Revell

Residents in Roe Green Village have expressed relief that a controversial planning application to build commercial football pitches in a nearby school has been declined.

Brent planning chiefs rejected a joint application from Kingsbury High School and Powerleague last Thursday for floodlit commercial football pitches in the academy’s Bacon Lane campus by reason of noise.

The deal included five floodlit pitches, a floodlit multi-use games area and permission to Astroturf the grass playing fields for use by the public out of school hours until 10.30pm.

Members of the Roe Green Village Residents’ Association (RGVRA) who fought an 18 month campaign against the proposals have said they are prepared to fight again if either group appeals the decision.

Villagers living in the village, which is celebrating its centenary next year, said public football pitches operating until 10.30pm, seven days a week, would “kill the conservation area”.

They said a commercial pitch would endanger the environment which is home to several endangered species, increase traffic gridlock in the area and escalate pollution problems.

Debbie Nyman, of RGVRA, said: “Brent Council have refused the Powerleague application, which is great news, but what we really need to hear is that the school head and governors recommend pulling the plug on this inappropriate and unsuitable application.

“We are prepared to continue fighting at the slightest notion that the school will continue with this destructive application.”

Rachel Kitley, Kingsbury High School co-headteacher, said the academy was “extremely disappointed” with the council’s decision.

She added: “We will review our options in discussion with Powerleague, as we remain committed to providing improved sports facilities for our current and future students, as well as many other local schools and the wider community.”

A spokeswoman for Brent Council said: “Brent Council planning officers recommended refusal by reason of noise associated with the use.

“The application attracted considerable numbers of objections from residents in Roe Green. “Each planning application is considered on merit.”


 The proposed development, by reason of the levels of noise associated with the use (including the ancillary activities), having particular regard to the hours of operation of the use and likely frequency of those activities throughout the week and year, will result in an unduly detrimental impact on the amenities of adjoining occupiers through the exposure to noise beyond levels that may reasonably be expected within this specific context. This is contrary to Policy DMP1 of the Brent Local Plan Development Management Policies 2016 and Policy 7.15 of the London Plan (March 2016).

 All on Brent website now:


Planning Application now in Statutory Consultation Period – Rumour that Deadline extended: 25 May 2016

Lucozade Powerleague has now submitted its highly controversial application and it is now time to submit your views to Brent Council. The planning application consists of 38 documents with several hundred pages of seemingly irrelevant, misleading and even false information as we have already found out.

Please visit our RoeGreenVillage Facebook page where we will be sharing with you our up-to-date news on this project.

Have you sent your formal comments yet? 

KHS is sending in comments recently – has Brent Council tipped them off about an extended deadline?

It is absolutely crucial that you make your views heard on this planning application. Do not rely on your neighbours or the residents’ association; the impacts of this development affects all of us and all of our views must be heard.

Please navigate to Brent Council’s Planning Portal to view the application. The planning application is registered under “Application Reference” 16/0994. You must log in or register to make comments.

If you are having problems using Brent’s website or if you are assisting a relative or neighbour who may not have access to a computer you may also send a letter with your comments concerning Application Reference 16/0994 to:  Mrs Victoria McDonagh, Regeneration & Environment, Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ.

Déjà vu? It is still ‘The Wrong Facility in the Wrong Location!’

Only months after Goals Plc in conjunction with Kingsbury High School withdrew their plans for building commercial football pitches in the area, Jeremy Waxman of Kingsbury High School asked Lucozade Powerleague to submit proposals for building an array of commerically run football pitches on its land next to Roe Green Village Conservation Area and adjoining local communities and some rather sensitive facilities.

Lucozade Powerleague Proposal essentially the same as Goals

This time, the School and Lucozade Powerleague have instructed slick PR firm GKA Planning Communications to sell the idea to the local community. It has all been rather rushed though with letters inviting residents to attend a ‘Drop-In Session’ just days before Christmas.

We have encouraged all residents to attend this ‘Drop-In Session’ and make up their own minds about its suitability. The response has been overwhelming. So far, we have seen copies of more than 75 letters from residents to the School and Lucozade Powerleague expressing their strong opposition to the proposal.

From the plans we have been given, the Lucozade Powerleague proposal is, in essence, the same as the one presented by Goals plc and therefore our grave concerns and objections remain the same.

Continued Support

Please bookmark this page. We will be updating this site regularly as we fight once more to stop ‘the wrong facility in the wrong location’ on behalf of Roe Green Village and its residents.

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