The Butterflies of London Project is looking for your input. Can you help record butterfly sightings in your garden?
How to contribute butterfly records to the project
A record consists of the Species name, the Location (preferably with a six-figure Grid Reference – or with a postcode), the Date, and your Name as recorder. The number seen, the life stage (if not an adult), and the habitat are useful.
The project is aiming to collate records in whatever format you use. These include:
- If you already record butterflies for LNHS surveys, Butterfly Conservation or for other organisations – please continue to record or to walk transects. Send the records through your existing channels.
- Word or Excel files.
- A hand-written list.
- Individual records can be made online on the Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) website
- For multiple records GiGL have an ‘Excel recording spreadsheet’ and a shorter ‘Alternative spreadsheet’ with fewer columns.
- Email records to the project address at [email protected]
- iRecord; iRecord Butterflies (smartphone App); and iSpot
The Butterflies of London Project launches during these early weeks of 2016. The London Natural History Society (LNHS) project aims to map the distribution of butterfly species in London, updating ‘The Butterflies of the London Area’ that covered 1980-86. Much has changed since to butterflies London; much has changed on the recording scene; while London itself has changed and is continuing to change.
The project is primarily concerned with the Greater London area – the area covered by the 32 Boroughs and the City of London. The aim is to map to the 1 x 1km (monad) level – or at least at the scale of 2 x 2km tetrad squares.
As this is a spatial (‘dots-on-the-map’) survey, records are needed from throughout London – that includes from suburban and urban areas, gardens, streets and as seen during commuting; plus those from green spaces and nature areas.
Records from recent previous years are being used too – the cut-off year will be determined later. The first record in was a January record of a Small Tortoiseshell from Bexley. And then a Speckled Wood from Horsenden Hill, Ealing, on 11 February.
Are you interested in surveying a monad (1 x 1km square), or monads within larger areas, a locality or Borough? Please let me know. Background information on recording and surveys is on the LNHS website.
While the recording is at the centre of project, there is also the value of involving the public during the survey. And the information will help to improve knowledge to help the conservation of butterflies, habitats and other wildlife in London.
And it is not just recording. The project will need a range of skills from managing records, to analysis, and preparation of outputs. Publicity too is important – for example to London organisations involved in open spaces, gardens and localities.
I appreciate the offers of help and co-operation to date from individuals and organisations. The team is still coming together. Currently communication is by phone and email, but we hope to meet more as the project develops.
You can contact me on my personal email and phone. The project email address can also be used at: [email protected]
Leslie Williams
Recorder: Lepidoptera (butterflies), London Natural History Society